Cabana Pod

On-site wellness pods

A dedicated space for individuals to manage stress and anxiety within the workplace. Cabana Pods provide an immersive experience designed to offer restorative support.

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Ochsner saw a 29% positive increase in self-reported well-being after a single use.

Plus, stress-relief hot spots revealed insights they could use.

Cabana Pod’s enterprise dashboard presented aggregated mood scores by worksite, enabling leaders to identify specific departments, locations and even shifts needing more immediate wellness investment.

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“I really appreciate a well-being initiative that realizes value on day one. The Cabana Pod arrived fully assembled in the morning and employees were talking about the benefit by the afternoon.“

Dr. Nigel Girgrah

Chief Wellness Officer, Ochsner Health

Dr. Nigel Girgrah in the Cabana Pod

Take a 5-minute micro-vacation and still have time to grab coffee.

Transforming the workplace experience to enable a culture of "micro-breaks".

Whether you’re saving lives or saving that TPS report, stress has a major impact on your mental health. Cabana worked with employers to develop spaces for employees to take “micro-breaks” inside acoustically protected spaces, incorporating interactive and immersive elements like open-eyed meditations and muscle relaxation experiences.  

Step inside your personal wellness oasis.

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Boost worksite wellness and reduce barriers to accessible mental health practices.

Small footprint, big impact

Delivered fully assembled, occupying less than 12sq. ft, and packed with immersive technology designed to improve employee well-being.

Private and comfortable

Sustainable materials provide for a near-soundproof acoustical experience, and pods are double-ventilated for maximum comfort.

Billboard for wellness

Direct signal and visible investment that stress management is important and employee well-being is a priority.

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